Here are some of favorite links for you to explore.
A list of our instructors and other favorite
Deb Aldo- Pietre Dure Design
Lynne Chinn - Lynn Chinn Mosaics
Linda Dadak- Creative Glass Designs
Sophie Drounin - Sophie Mosaics
Cynthia Fisher - Big Bang Mosaics
Yulia Hanansen - Mosaic Sphere
Lisa Houck- Lisa Houck Artist
Sonia King - Sonia King Mosaics
Kelley Knickerbocker- Rivenworks Mosaics
Michael Kruzich- MKMosaics
Laurie Mika- MikaArts
Julie Richey - Julie Richey Mosaics
Suzane Owayda & Betsy Rodman- Mosaic Oasis
Carol Shelkin- Carol Shelkin Mosaics
Erica Szuplat- Wisha Studiios. Custom Illustration and Design
Laurel True- True Mosaics
Susan Wechsler- Mosaics by Susan
Kim Wozniak- Between the Cracks
Mosaic Supplies
Mosaic Smalti- Located here on Cape Cod, they are the US distributor for Orsoni Italian smalti, and hard to find tools and supplies.
Wit's End Mosaic- Owned by Kim Wozniak, this site features Mexican smalti, and other cool products including the Nova subway tiles that we use in our mosaic murals.
Mosaic Oasis- A New England based storefront located in Arligton, Ma. specializing in mosaic tools, supply and instruction.
Mosaic Information
The Art and History of Glass Mosaics- Hailey, a young artist from St.Paul's, sent me this wonderful link all about glass mosaics.
Mosaic Art Retreats- A helpful site if you want to vacation and learn at the same time
Mosaic Art Source- a favorite resource for all things mosaic
Mosaic Matters- an online mosaic magazine from our friends on the "other side of the pond"
Mosaic Atlas - a comprehensive listing of mosaic located around the world
Start Local- a nice list of mosaic artists, sites and materials
Mosaic Organizations
Society of American Mosaic Artists - The premier organization for mosaic artists
MAO- a Yahoo Group with almost 5,000 members.
CMA- Contemporary Mosaic Art - a sponsor based organization for networking and sharing
BAMM- British Association for Modern Mosaics- an organization situated in the UK with lots of good information
Favorite Local Web Sites
Falmouth Visitor- The most popular guide to Falmouth
Falmouth Village Association- The Main Street merchants events web site
Falmouth Chamber of Commerce- Lodging, dining and events all around the town
Falmouth Art Center - a fabulous group of people who are always there to lend a hand for us.
Some really cool blogs
Michelle Cusolito a childrens writer, educator and advocate
Erica Szuplat's Blog- always filled with delightful sketches and information